Friday, February 25, 2011

Oh na na whats my name?

Get ready to be extremely jealous of me!

Its ok I'll wait. Take your time honestly I'll just play with this pen.

Ok ready? Good. Now, who is heading to the Gold Coast Convention Centre tonight for one night only?
I'll give you a couple of hints..
1.  She's super sexy
2. She's now 'Rated R'
3. She's from Barbados
And last clue,
4. She looks like this:

Yes! I am going to see the super talented and super sexy Rihanna tonight! My girlfriends and I have been looking forward to this for weeks now and it is finally here!

But wait, it gets better. Guess who's the supporting act?

Far East Movement. You may have heard of a couple of their songs. Just a little tune called Like a G6 or Rocketeer.
Very popular in the clubs at the moment and on [V] Hits.

It isn't very often that the supporting act is as awesome as the main act.

Just quickly before I go, I went to the movies the other day and saw 127 Hours starring James Franco, and I think everyone should at least make the effort to see this movie.

Just beware if you get queasy easily that it is a bit graphic at the end. And it's based on a true story.



Photos thanks to Google Images

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Jungle Fever

Hello and welcome back!

It feels like ages since I've posted anything.

Well this week has been pretty exciting for me. As you know, (and if you don't, firstly -shame on you for not reading my blog! And secondly -just pop back and read my last entry if your like WTF is she on about??) this last week I went down to Coffs Harbour for some Army training.

The bus trip was brutal. 6 whole hours. It is usually only about 4 or 5, but we had to make a stop in Lismore and change buses because there was more of us down there and the bus we were taking was down there too or something I don't really know.

Luckily I did manage to get some sleep on the way down which killed a little time, then most of the rest of the trip was me really needing to pee but being too scared to ask if we could stop, and feeling really sick and trying (successfully might I add) to stop myself from throwing up all over the nice girl in front of me.

Oh, did I mention that I was disgustingly hungover and sleep deprived from the night before?
I know, not a great start right? Let me just start by blaming my mother. I was planning to have a nice early night, make sure I had packed everything I needed and get a good night's sleep.

Instead, I went to the movies with mum (saw No Strings Attached with Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher - very very funny! And Natalie Portman is fantastic as always) and then my little sister Courtney calls me and begs me to go out clubbing with her and her boyfriend Jake. I said no at first, but then mum gave me the old 'Your only 21 and you can sleep when your dead and stop being so responsible and boring etc etc blah blah blah' speech. Needless to say, it kinda worked, so I decided to go.

I had a few drinks and ended up only having about 3 hours sleep, then had to get up (still feeling drunk btw) and pack and go to meet the bus.

My week, although it started off pretty crappy with me being hungover and sick (I know, self inflicted. I don't expect your sympathy haha) was pretty awesome and I had a great time. I am now officially competent in Senior First Aid and can Navigate my way through a thick forest (day or night- yea that's right!) with just a compass, a map, a pencil and a protractor! Don't act like your not impressed.

The field experience for the Navigation - if I'm being completely honest - was crap at the time.
It was hot and I kept falling over and getting hit in the face with Lantana and poked in the eye with sticks and stepping in smelly creeks (oh little side note, I got a leech and it is disgusting!)
All up, I think we spent about 16 hours smashing our way through 'dense vegetation' and by the end of it we all smelt like a dirty sweaty swamp. Lovely.

Looking back, however, I can see all the good bits and conveniently block out all the crap bits (like nearly crying when I fell over and nearly twisted my ankle in the middle of the night in the middle of a National Forest) and laugh about the things that seemed so shitty at the time.

I made some great friends (Sando, Billy and Yogi) and am looking forward to catching up with them soon!

And, alas, I have some bad news for you. I will be going to Kapooka (Basic Training) on the 2nd of March for 4 whole weeks and will have no phone or internet access for the majority of the time so I will be unable to update you on my progress.

Good news is I'm going with Pye and Yogi. If nothing else, it will be good to see some familiar faces around.


Friday, February 11, 2011

Spot the difference

Has anyone else noticed how similar Greg Inglis and Carlos Solis from Desperate Housewives look?

No? Well never fear dear readers as I have come prepared with pictures to support my crazy claim.


Greg Inglis

Carlos Solis.

Do you see it? I mean, imagine Carlos all sweaty and slightly less facial hair. It's like they're the same person!

Also, this will probably be my last entry for about a week.
Hey now it's ok don't cry! I'll be back posting in no time you won't even miss me!

The reason for this absence is that on Sunday I am heading down to Coffs Harbour for the first stage of my training, and have been advised that I will have VERY limited access to my phone or internet.

Stay tuned early next week for my training diaries!


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hey now you're an All-Star!

This week has been super exciting at work!

We have the one and only Indigenous All Stars staying at our hotel all this week as they get ready for their big game this Saturday night at Skilled Park.

One thing that is definitely cool about working here is that we get all the NRL and AFL teams that are playing our Gold Coast teams staying here, which means in footy season, there is pretty much a constant stream of big burly footy players walking around the lobby.

It's a welcome change in an otherwise monotonous day, seeing semi-famous people wandering around or coming over for a chat.

It is a bit embarrassing when you can't remember their names though. I mean, in recent years, I have started following NRL more and more, but I can only recognise my favourite players, or the most famous ones. And not all of them are nice.

Okay, to be fair, most of them are lovely and very friendly considering they have a constant stream of people asking for their autograph and photos etc, but there is a small number of players who have let it all go to their heads a little too much. You know who you are..

All in all, it does make the hotel more interesting! Oh lool, here they come now!


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Suit Up!

Can anyone guess what I'll be doing on Tuesday night?

I bet you $5 that you can't!

How about you? Care to take a guess? Oh, so close, but sorry no cigar!
Yes, you up the back? Ghost Hunting? Really? Uh, no.

Okay seriously, stop guessing, your just embarrassing yourselves. Especially you. You know who you are...

I know, the suspense is killing you right? Well, because I am such a nice person, I am not going to make you suffer anymore! (Super nice of me huh?)

I am, in fact, heading all the way down to Lismore to get fitted for my very own Army uniform. That's right. They will have my name on them and everything! Aaahhh so excited!!

In other news, the last few days have been pretty exhausting to be honest. I have been hitting the gym pretty hard lately to try to get back up to scratch with my fitness, and this 30 degree heat is not helping!

It actually really surprised me how bad my fitness had gotten in the last month or so, but I am back on track now and feeling sore, but good!

My air conditioner has been out of order for the last couple of days, which has been torture. Especially at night. It is just way too hot to sleep! We are getting it fixed tomorrow hopefully, so only one more night of feeling like we are having a sleep over with the Devil. My little sister Courtney has graciously surrendered our one pedestal fan to me (which I love her for) but it does not compare to air conditioning!

I want to take this opportunity to publicly thank my trainer Marcello, who is honestly the only reason I passed my fitness test in the first place and is so good with keeping me motivated!

We have been friends for a while now and I was actually his first ever client when he qualified as a personal trainer. He makes training fun (well, as fun as working your ass off at the gym can be) and is a really great friend.

Thank you Marcello!


Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I have finally got some news regarding my First Aid/Navigaton training in 11 days!

After impatiently waiting for the mailman daily and being repeatedly disappointed by the lack of mail, I decided at about 7am this morning to just call my base in Tweed Heads and see what the hell was going on, but to wait until at least 9am so I didn't seem too eager (haha yea right).

It was a very long 2 hours waiting for 9am, but, as always, 9am finally made an appearance, and I called my base. The man was very helpful and said that they had only recieved the final information yesterday and that I must be psychic (uh, really? Psychic? Try impatient!).

So in 11 days, I am to present myself in Tweed Heads, where I will be kitted out in my very own uniform and sent on my way on a bus with 20 other recruits to Coffs Harbour for 5 days of intense training.

Needless to say, I am pretty excited! I've never been to Coffs Harbour, not that I'll be doing any sightseeing!
