Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hey now you're an All-Star!

This week has been super exciting at work!

We have the one and only Indigenous All Stars staying at our hotel all this week as they get ready for their big game this Saturday night at Skilled Park.

One thing that is definitely cool about working here is that we get all the NRL and AFL teams that are playing our Gold Coast teams staying here, which means in footy season, there is pretty much a constant stream of big burly footy players walking around the lobby.

It's a welcome change in an otherwise monotonous day, seeing semi-famous people wandering around or coming over for a chat.

It is a bit embarrassing when you can't remember their names though. I mean, in recent years, I have started following NRL more and more, but I can only recognise my favourite players, or the most famous ones. And not all of them are nice.

Okay, to be fair, most of them are lovely and very friendly considering they have a constant stream of people asking for their autograph and photos etc, but there is a small number of players who have let it all go to their heads a little too much. You know who you are..

All in all, it does make the hotel more interesting! Oh lool, here they come now!


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