Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Awesome News!

Yes that's right I have some totally awesome news!

But first, Happy Australia Day everyone! Hopefully the majority of you aren't stuck at work like I am and instead enjoying yourselves on this beautiful sunny day at the beach or by the pool.

Anyway, now that the formalities are out of the way, moving on to way more important things!

My News!!

Ok, so if you have at least glanced at my 'About Me' box, you will know that I have recently joined the Army Reserves! Well.. I finally got my first training dates YAY! And for anyone who knows me, they will know that this is not only extremely exciting, but also quite a relief.
Not that I was worried or anything.
It's just that everything takes so long and you don't really get told anything until the last minute and, for me, that is really annoying because I love being organised and having all the information I need about things like this.

Moving on..

My training dates for First Aid/Navigation have been set for 13th-18th February (That's next month) and, keeping with the 'lack of communication' trend that seems to be so popular (at least where I'm concerned) I have no idea what this involves. I don't know if they are sending me somewhere, or if I just have to show up every day. I don't even know if I have to supply my own stationery.

The one thing I thought was a little odd, though, was that they asked me to confirm my training dates via text message (also the first communication I have had from them since before Christmas). But hey, whatever. At least something is finally happening. I was getting worried that they had forgotten about me.

I am apparently getting sent some information via snail mail, so I am impatiently waiting for its arrival. Should be by the end of this week or beginning of next week.

In the meantime, I am keeping myself VERY entertained with Damn You Auto Correct!


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