Sunday, January 30, 2011

Ah, sweet failure.

Yes you read right. I have had a minor setback with my dress.

Who thought hemming could be so deceptive? I am feeling a little silly because, like an idiot, I didn't double check that the length was right before I cut off the excess and again failed to check before sewing the new hem.

Damn you hem, damn you! Ah I feel like such a rookie! Oh well. It was bound to happen sooner or later, and I have now learnt a very valuable lesson. For the love of God, check your hems before getting scissors involved. And, if not for our holy Lord, then please, think of the children!

Anyway, the dress is now on its way to (hopefully) becoming quite a nice top. I am trying really hard to not stuff it up even more than I already have. Courtney actually gave me the idea, so as soon as I finish it, I'll post a picture of how it turns out. If it survives. Cross your fingers and send up a prayer to the sewing Gods for me!

But, my skirt remains intact and blissfully unaware of how lucky it is that the hem was the right length to begin with.

Behold! My skirt! I love this material! It used to be a curtain. Can you believe that? I am starting to realise the downside of getting all my material at the Red Cross and Salvo's stores. Once you use all the material, it is very unlikely that you will be able to get any more exactly the same. Which, I guess, is what makes everything you make such a one-off piece. It also makes it more devastating when something special you wanted to make or were saving material for doesn't work out.

This is what recycled fashion is all about and sometimes you have to make sacrifices and take risks to gain something great.

In other news, My friend Abby has asked me to make a cake for her son James for his 5th birthday this month.

I am super excited because this will be the first paid job I've ever had for making a cake! I have made heaps for my department's work parties and going away parties etc, but I haven't ever been paid for making them.

It will not only be my first paid cake, but also my first attempt at making a carved cake (this is a cake that is literally carved into the shape of something else). We have chosen to go with a car. All boys like cars, right? And it seems doable for a first go. I even found a car/cake making tutorial on the net. What would we do without the internet? It is so darn useful!

This is the car we have chosen.

If you don't know cars, this little beauty is a 2007 Dodge Challenger. I am not a big fan of cars. I have to get my dad to check my oil and coolant for me, but I know when I see a car whether or not I like it and man, I really like this one. The impression that I get from, is that this car is not really designed for the everyday dropping kids to school and doing the shopping.

This car is made for racing, providing such useful information as quarter mile times, overall top speed and top speed for each gear! Now that is something that every muscle car should be equipped with.

Hopefully James appreciates the beauty of this car in its glorious cake form as much as I do with just a photo.

Stay tuned as I will be posting photos of the finished product when I make it.



  1. Hello. My name Sergi. You inspiration. I too like making of the dress. For myself. I am being a man but liking to wear the dress. Soon I am to starting my travellings. Perhaps I visit this Sunnygold Coast in Queens Land. You make for me very nice dress?

  2. Thank you Sergi that's really nice of you. By the sounds of it you are pretty good at making dresses too. Maybe we could do a trade? You make me one and I'll make you one?
