Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Everyone has to start somewhere.

Hello friends, family and complete strangers!

This is my first ever attempt at blogging, so please let me apologize in advance if I'm a bit rambly to begin with.

I have been delaying this moment. The moment where I finally write my very own blog. You see, for months now I have been hungrily reading blog after blog on various subjects and thinking that maybe I'd like to give it a go myself.

As Julie Powell once said, 'I can write a blog! I have thoughts!' (of course, from the move 'Julie and Julia')

To be honest, it's kind of exciting to think that maybe someday someone will accidentally happen upon my blog and find what I'm writing interesting. The thought of people I know reading this is a little less exciting and maybe a little more scary. Which is why I have put off this first blog for so long.

But here we are. My very first blog. And so it begins...

At this very moment I am on holiday with my Dad, Step-mum, youngest sister and her friend. We are staying in Manly, Sydney. I love it here it's so beautiful all the time and let me just say the public transport is really fantastic! I am now a huge fan of ferries!

My favourite part of this holiday so far has been Monday, where I spent the whole day by myself exploring a very small part of Sydney. I took the ferry to Circular Quay and from there went to Fort Denison, which is a tiny old military base in the middle of the Harbour. I could have spent all day there soaking up the sunshine and the atmosphere. I don't really know how to describe this place but I can tell you what it meant to me.

I felt safe and so deliriously happy. I know how lame that sounds, believe me. And maybe a little odd to some people. I have been dreaming about being able to join the Army for over a year now and after being accepted at the end of last year finally and then being in this place that was so full of history. I felt like I could have cried I was so happy.

Anyway, back on the ferry I went and decided to go to the Sydney Museum of Contemporary Art, where they were showing an exhibition by Annie Leibovitz. Now, if there's anyone in Sydney at the moment or heading to Sydney soon, I would definitely reccomend checking this exhibit out it is worth a look even if your not really into art. I spent 3 hours in there. Seriously. 3 whole hours. I didn't mean to, but there was just so much to look at and take in!
I am not one of those people who can glance at something extraordinary and go, 'Yup okay I've seen that let's move on.'
So I stopped at every single piece and made sure I really LOOKED at it. I gave it my full attention and tool in every detail and only when I was satisfied that I hadn't missed anything, then I would move on to the next one. It was great!

That's one thing I love about going off on your own once in a while. You don't have to worry about anyone else maybe getting bored or wanting to see something else. You can spend exactly how much time you want doing whatever you want and then when your done, you can leave.

I would have loved to share Annie with someone though.

Until next time, thanks so much for stopping by and please, if you have any feedback (good or bad) I would love to hear from you!


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