Saturday, January 22, 2011

Puppets, ice cream and sunshine

Hello again!
It has actually been a busy couple of days as I finish up my holiday in Sydney and get ready to head on home.

On Thursday, we went On an adventure over to Circular Quay and to The Rocks. I am in love with The Rocks. It has so much history and character in that one little suburb. All the beautiful old buildings and uneven stone pathways leading down little mysterious alleys... It's so mysterious and magical!

And how fitting that it was in this lovely place that we came across the most interesting and charming little shop that I think I've ever been to and think I will ever get the privilege of going to.

I am of course talking about 'Puppet Maker', a tiny little puppet/marionette store run out of a pokey little basement in one of the oldest buildings I've ever seen. To get to this shop, we had to walk down a very dark alley and down some skinny uneven stone steps. As soon as you walk in, you are transported immediately back to a child-like state.

It's like what I imagine walking into Willy Wonka's factory was like for Charlie. It was run by a tiny French woman and her husband. They had been there for 21 years, and they were sadly closing their store for good due to rising rent costs in the area =( luckily, (or unluckily depending on how you look at it) we discovered her caves of wonder (her words not mine. But the whole place was literally little caves joined together) and we were just in time for her closing down sale! I am ashamed to say pretty much all of my holiday spending money was exhausted in this one shop, but I am very happy with my new friends and can't wait to get them home (hopefully in one peice please Qantas baggage handlers!) and hang them up!

I got 2 little old ladies, who I have already named Hazel and Maria, a witch named Zelda, and a sweet little redhead ragdoll dressed in colorful overalls named Abbie. I could have spent way more, but I would have had to leave behind my clothes as a sacrifice in the suitcase!

We have been very lucky with the weather it has been beautiful and warm with a nice breeze every day and we have been rightfully indulgent, with ice creams almost every day.

To anyone who is a lover of the icy dairy treat, I would highly recommend Ben & Jerry's for sure.

Anyway, must be off! I have a shepards pie to cook and some serious packing to do before we leave tomorrow!


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